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years that teach.

Years. Each one, another trip around the sun, another series of the seasons coming and going.  Winter.  Spring.  Summer. Fall.  Repeat . But it’s not repeating...because they're not at all the same, are they? Not by a long shot. Because there are some years that are just that - years.  A block of time, in which you are living and working and loving your people, and nothing really seems to change much.  And then, there are other years that change us in ways we could never have seen coming. Years that affect us far below our surface - years that burrow into our chests and make a home inside of us. Years that scar us - for better or for worse. I’ve found that there are years that teach. And what we learn is hardly ever up to us. • Sixteen taught me that friendships are only as true as the people inside of them. And that the same hands that held yours can and will cut you open. • Eighteen taught me self-reliance, God's comfort, and that I am far str...

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