My Mom put this on her letterboard the other day and displayed it in the living room, and I sighed inwardly a bit.

I was being a judgmental jerk, and I guess maybe it seemed a bit cheesy to me. A bit simple, cliché.

When I'm wrong, I'm so wrong it's embarrassing.
And I was wrong.

Because I look at these words every day now, and I have been thinking about what my answer is.

"I have a plan. Do you trust Me?"

Oh, Lord.

Do I?
Deep down, I do. On the surface, I fight it. But isn't just a one-and-done thing.
Guys, HEAR me.
There is nothing cliché about trusting God.
There is nothing easy about trusting One Who is unseen.

There is nothing simple about believing that a God I've only read about, a God I've never seen or touched - is the only ONE Who can redeem broken souls, change hopeless situations, and forgive sins that make us recoil and weep.

It's not trite or cliché to entrust loved ones to God, to lay them at His feet when you are sick with worry over what will be, what could be...what ultimately will be for the people that you care for so much that your heart physically aches for the love of them.

Your mind races, your stomach turns, you can't stop the tears from pouring.

"Trust Me."

The pain doesn't always stop, but somehow, deep inside of me, I know He has a plan.

When my brain is screaming that there must be an easier way, my heart is begging me to trust Him. Deep down, I know that we are HELD. Through it all. I am held, we are HELD by the God I can't see. I can't see Him. But I've felt Him.

Oh. Lord.

I'M the simple one for rolling my eyes at the words my Mama put on that board.

It's not simple to trust Him.
It should be, because His promises are always kept. He can't break His word. He won't. BUT it's the relinquishing that makes us hug our arms to our chests. Relinquishing our "control" terrifying. It's gutting, painful.

I'm trying to hand it to Him. To the One Who can handle it. He's had it all along, but I've been carrying it too long attempting to play His part.

I see it, as I live and breathe and cry within these walls. Those words.

"I have a plan. Do you trust Me?"

Yes. Yes, God. I'm trying.


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