What matters more? #inmyopinion

For me, one of the hardest things about studying to be a birth doula is this popular new thought movement of medical intervention in the birth process (and beyond!) being considered something EVIL.

I am removing Birth Without Fear from my "Link Love" bar on this blog. Because I've had my fill of them talking s*** against medical intervention.

There are so many stories, but the one I heard that got me on my soapbox were some stories of women who refused pitocin to stop bleeding after birth, asking instead for their essential oil kits to stop the bleeding naturally. denying medical treatment to themselves - and therefore risking their lives. Women cry "no drugs!", saying that their body knows how to give birth, so why have doctors involved at all?

Because our bodies are imperfect, because our bodies can betray us.

Women need to be educated that their bodies are capable of birthing, but those bodies are not invincible. Birth is hard, birth is beautiful, birth is tiring and bloody and incredible. I've experienced the sights, smells, and sounds of it.

Yes, it's amazing and natural and women have been doing it since the beginning of time.

But things can happen. When did we lose sight of this?

I have nothing against natural remedies. Nothing. But essential oils don't fix everything, and women are getting this warped idea that they do.

Prevention and preparation can't guarantee anything. Neither can medicine, and I'm aware of that.
And I'm not trying to be a negative Nelly, I've just had enough of this new wave of don't-medicate, don't-vaccinate, stay-away-from-doctors bulls***.

My sister, my niece (my preemie princess!), and TWO of my cousins' beautiful daughters (both preemies as well!) would not be here if it wasn't for medical intervention. I am thankful, I am indebted to medical expertise and advances.
They are not evil.
They are sacred to me.

And I can guarantee you, when I have a baby - when I finally give birth to my babies - if I'm bleeding out on a birthing bed, I'll be thanking my Jesus and my lucky stars that there are doctors and interventions to save my life. I won't be crying because I need drugs in my veins to stop it, I'll be thankful my eyes are staying open to see the child I've grown inside of me, I'll thank God that my arms aren't going weak and lax from blood loss.

That will be enough for me. Because I've seen lives saved. And I will not be silent.

It's time for people to wake up.

What does our society value more highly?
What do people want more?
A healthy child, or the perfectly rosy bragging rights to an all-natural birth?

I know what matters more to me.

Do you? Please leave your thoughts in the comments! We are all entitled to our own opinion. No matter what your stance, please be respectful.

#thoughtstoponder #myopinion




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